Scientific Activities in 2022

Transnational Project Meeting, VLEFACT Erasmus Project, Yläsavon Vocational College

17 February 2022, Iisalmi Finland

Under Prof. Sulevi Invitation participants are discussing project issues in 1st TPM
Lunch with all the partners for TPM Meeting at Iisalmi

A Scientific article “Automated Testing and Resilience of Microservice’s Network-link using Istio Service Mesh” Presented at the 31st FRUCT Conference

27-29 April, 2022, Helsinki, Finland 

A Scientific article “Meta-Learning and Fast Adaptation for Head Pose Estimation ” Presented at the 31st FRUCT Conference

27-29 April 2022

A Keynote Speech and a Scientific Article entitled ” Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Fetal Cardiac Imaging using Deep Learning Techniques” has been presented at the International Health Informatics Conference. 

Keynote Link:

17-19 May 2022, Odisha, India

Get an opportunity to have the opening ceremony and panel discussion
Giving Keynote Speech at Sri Sri University, Odisha India

A Scientific article “Image Quality Assessment by Integration of Low-level & High-Level Features: Threshold Similarity Index” Presented at the 31st IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)

30 May – 4  June 2022, Anchorage, Alaska, USA 

Giving the Scientific Talk on our research article
Group Picture with the separate session in Alaska, USA

A Scientific article “Prediction of Electron Band Gap of A2XY6 Perovskite Compounds using Machine Learning” Presented at the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference 

7 -11 June 2022, Philadelphia, USA

One of the USA's biggest and Oldest Conference
Conference Venue in Philadelphia, USA

Giving an invited talk on “The fusion of sensors technology, machine vision, and Artificial Intelligence and their impacts on Society” Himalaya Darshan College, Tribhuvan University

22 July 2022, Biratnagar, Nepal

Getting a token of Love from the Head of the College for the Invited Talk
With so many students of Himalaya Darshan College

Giving an invited talk on “Future Trends and Applications of Information Technology: A Finnish Perspectives” at Eastern College of Engineering, Purwanchal University

25 July 2022, Biratnagar, Nepal

Giving an Invited Talk
Question-Answer Session at the end of the Talk

Giving an invited talk on “IoT sensor Networks, and Artificial Intelligence” at Tribhuvan University, Purwanchal Campus

31 July 2022, Dharan, Nepal

Giving an Invited Talk at my earlier Institute
A photo with the faculty members at the end

Rajdevi Secondary School, Rajbiraj Nepal has facilitated me as a “Chief Guest” and I shared my views as a school Alumni

5 August 2022, Rajbiraj, Nepal

As a chief guest in the village school where I did my school education
A photograph with all the teachers and staff of the school

2nd Transnational Project meeting and LTTA event at MERCANTEC for our Virtual Learning Environment for Smart Factory Erasmus Project

TPM: 4-7 October 2022, Viborg, Denmark

LTTA: 24-28 October 2022, Ulfborg, Denmark

A photo outside the building of Mercantec
Discussing our agendas for the next LTTA event
Session Chair Badge


Acting as a Session Chair for the 32nd IEEE FRUCT Conference, 9-11 November 2022 Tampere Finland